Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Trying not to lose my marbles!

Now my little one is too small for marble runs at the moment, it would more likely be marbles for tea which I'm sure is a bad thing. But I love them and through my amazing old job I have spent more time than most grown-ups playing with them. The schools budgets though always meant we had the cheaper plastic versions (so often muddled up and different sizes very frustrating) but I now have my heart set on the Haba marble run!
Haba makes loads of lovely toys (I think Haba, Plan Toys and I'm are among my very favourite things) but I have become slightly obsessed with the marble run. Not only is it wooden, an amazingly cool construction kit but it can be musical too!!!!
All images are from the Haba website.
Surely all little people would love the bang bang bang as the marbles fell!! I may be the weird parent who would like it too.
Plink, plink, plonk.
Just the coolest thing ever! but until i can afford it and the little one won't eat the marbles he is going to have to put up with my weird cardboard contraptions

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